2025 Petal Party Sew-along & Round Robin
Create connections and build community with guild members “closer to home” throughout this year’s big sewing challenge! It's not too late to join or create a group. Download all the details below and contact Mary Ann today for any questions!
Thank you to everyone that participated! It's always amazing to see the talent and creativity of our guild members being showcased. Congratulations to our winners!
9" unfinished block size
Click on PDF to see instructions for the newest challenge. Participants are asked to make one or two spool blocks. If you turn in one block, you get one drawing ticket; two blocks, you get two tickets.
A drawing will be held at the December carry-in. The winner will receive all the blocks. Last year we received enough blocks for two drawings! If the winner(s) puts the blocks together to present at the June 2024 guild meeting, that person will receive $50 to go towards the purchase of backing or batting to complete the quilt. Have fun, everyone! [Note the picture to the left shows construction but follow color instructions in PDF.] |
Our next challenge runs up to our 2024 Quilt show. It begins now from May 2023 to May 2024. The finished products will be displayed at the 2024 Quilt Show.
Basic Rules for the Challenge:
Your first step is to plan a small group meeting to plan your year and guidelines. Your group will decide if you want to each enter an exhibit or if you want to make one quilt together to represent your group.
- We have missed travel and friends getting together since the Covid lockdowns. This is the year to get back “On the Road Again” and sharing your journey with others in the Guild, establishing new connections, and increasing your skills!
- Working in groups of 6 to 8 members, create quilts or wall hangings which will be displayed at the MVQG 2024 bi-annual quilt show. Each group should include a variety of "new" experience levels. The one firm request is to include at least one new member who has joined the guild within the last year. This promotes making new friends and sharing your wisdom and adventures with them this year.
- MaryAnn will have a list of new members at the sign-up table if you don't know anyone new. New members – if you don’t see your name listed, please let Mary Ann know so you can be included. Sign-up sheets will be on the back table to begin to form groups. We will email out these signup sheets to the folks listed later in the week so you can all connect and begin the challenge. MaryAnn will have sign-up sheets and examples at the table.
Basic Rules for the Challenge:
Your first step is to plan a small group meeting to plan your year and guidelines. Your group will decide if you want to each enter an exhibit or if you want to make one quilt together to represent your group.
- Size is not restricted – any size quilt or wall hanging – your group decides. The basic plan is a row-by-row quilt outline.
- The row-by-row concept is that each member picks a month to choose their own "On the Road Again " theme or place. That member organizes that month's block. Based on the number of folks in your group, there would be a possible 6 blocks by the time each member is finished.
- For instance, if May is the first member's month they might pick state flowers and pass on guidelines to other group members (include colors, sizes can be multiple) theme for that month. All 6 members of the group make a block by their concept with a state flower. State flowers is just an example – maybe it is your month to lead, and you traveled to a National Park, or you make a trip to a street fair. If it is your month, you decide on the theme for the group.
- The theme each month is related to getting out again… “On the Road”. If you are not traveling, maybe it is a place or event you want to visit in the future or have visited in the past.
- We likely will host one of the Guild meetings at the 6 month point (Nov/Dec) to provide an opportunity to show-off your blocks and concepts and works in progress!
- You each swap blocks at your next meeting. Each person gets a block from the other members and keeps one themselves. Each 30 to 60 days a new member starts a new round of blocks. By the time you go through the year each member of the group (assuming a group of 6 members) will end up with at least 36 blocks (could be more). Your group then works to create your entry or entries.
Participants were asked to create a wall hanging using fabric scrap bags purchased at one of the guild meetings.. Winners were selected by popular vote at the March 2023 guild meeting. Congratulations to our winners! Barb Carruth (1st Place), Melody Hightower, Martha Fabian.